Help your child nurse, sleep, eat, speak and grow better.
We use advanced laser technology to fully release your child’s tongue-tie in a precise, quick procedure without general anaesthesia and hospitalisation.
Tongue Restriction Questionnaire For
A tied tongue can be a serious condition

Does your infant...
- Struggle to nurse or take a bottle?
- Leak milk from his or her mouth while eating?
- Make clicking or smacking noises when eating?
- Exhibit slow or poor weight gain?
- Display reflux or colic symptoms?
- Experience lots of gas or continually fuss?
Does your older child…
- Sleep restlessly?
- Speak softly (mumble) or struggle to be understood?
- Exhibit slow or picky eating?
- Choke or gag on liquids or foods?
- Have a strong gag reflex?
- Show signs of a speech delay?
- Grind teeth at night, snore, or sleep with his or her mouth open?
If so, your child may have a tongue- or lip-tie.
While they aren’t usually life-threatening, mouth restrictions can mean a lot of unnecessary limitations to your child’s quality of life.
It is already known and supported by studies and by vast clinical practice that beyond breastfeeding difficulties, tongue tie is also associated with psychological, social and numerous physical implications.
Impaired tongue function can cause...
- Breastfeeding difficulties
- Palate abnormalities ( growth & development)
- Upper airway constrictions / obstructions / infections
- Altered sleep patterns resulting in poor sleep quality
- Sleep apnea
- Swallowing difficulties
- Colic
- GI Reflux
- Ear infections
- Impaired speech
- Postural issues
- Neck pain
- Dental issues
- TMJ problems
Having a tongue-tie is like running with your shoelaces tied together.
A tongue tie occurs when the thin membrane under the baby’s tongue (the lingual frenulum) restricts the movement of the tongue. All babies are born with some of this tissue, but for approximately 5-12% of newborns, it is so tight that they cannot move their tongues freely. This can affect their ability to breastfeed and lead to poor latch, nipple pain and trauma, decreased milk intake and a decline in milk supply over time. The medical term for tongue tie is “ankyloglossia” and studies show the defect is hereditary.
Many babies with a tongue tie, also have an abnormally tight membrane attaching their upper lip to their upper gums (the labial frenulum). This is called a lip tie. Babies with a lip tie often have difficulty flanging their lips properly to feed and cannot create a proper seal at the breast. This can cause them to take in excess air during breastfeeding, which often makes these babies gassy and fussy.

The mobility of the tongue is very important during breastfeeding, both for the mother and the baby. A baby with a tied tongue may not be able to latch deeply onto the breast, past the nipple onto the areola. This compresses the nipple onto the hard palate in the baby’s mouth, leading to nipple pain and skin breakdown for the mother. A tongue tie often accompanies a high palate, which also decreases the suction and further reduces milk transfer. Babies with ties may not maintain a latch for long enough to take in a full feeding, while others may remain attached to the breast for long periods of time without taking in enough milk. Some infants will feed only during the mother’s milk ejection reflex, or “let-down” when the milk ejects more freely, but will not continue to draw milk out of the breast when this slows. Bottle feeding allows milk to drip into the mouth without effort, thus requiring less tongue muscle effort than is needed for breastfeeding.

Better is possible.
We use an innovative laser technique right here in our clinic, different than a snip or clip with scissors.
We will remove the full restriction gently and with absolute precision, giving each child the best chance of symptom improvement.
Tongue and Lip tie releases or revisions (called frenectomies) remove the tissue or tight frenulum under the tongue or upper lip. Dr Musani is the first Pediatric Dentist in the country to introduce the state of the art All tissue Laser in a dental setup. He uses the Erbium Cold Laser for a safe and quick procedure that allows for greater tongue and lip mobility. Dr. Musani is laser certified by the Indian Academy of Laser Dentistry to perform frenectomies. Advantages of revising ties with an Erbium cold laser include
- Minimal discomfort
- Minimal bleeding during and after the procedure – the laser aids in hemostasis
- Faster healing
- Bactericidal properties
- Increased precision and complete removal of a tie.
- On the other hand:
- Diodes are hot lasers that cause tissue burn and difficult & painful healing with fibrosis
- Scissors cause bleeding in the surgical field and therefore result in incomplete releases.
Incredible transformations in the quality of life are possible.
Mom’s also report less pain with nursing.
These mothers noticed a difference in the quality of life of their children, themselves and their families
tongue specialist doctor in pune
Ankita Taukari
Mom said, ‘I feel very very happy when I now see her roll her tongue in her mouth. I am thankful to Dr Musani for helping me continue my breastfeeding journey with my daughter.’
Nursing was an issue because mom was in a lot of pain and her daughter couldn’t latch well. Mom had to pump and then feed the expressed milk through a bottle to her baby.
Anugrah Lazarus
Anugrah Lazarus
Mom said, ‘I got answers to questions that I always had in my mind regarding my child from Dr. Musani that really helped us. After the surgery, we see a lot of improvement in my child’s speech, eating habits and sleeping habits. It was all worth it. Thank you Dr. Musani.’
Mom couldn’t comprehend why her 4 year old son couldn’t eat different textures of food well, didn’t put on weight, fell ill often and why he was so restless in his sleep. In addition to this, his speech wasn’t clear and he couldn’t concentrate for a long time.
Bhakti Kulkarni
Mom said, ‘I saw immediate drastic changes in breastfeeding after the surgery and it continues to improve. I am happy and satisfied with the entire process. I would urge every mother who has a baby with this condition to approach Dr. Musani and get this cured.’
Mom had an 8 day old baby with a poor latch, clicking noises while nursing, hiccups, prolonged feeding time that would extend to 1-2 hours and painful nursing due to sore nipples that felt like a full time job.
Eliminate your child's tongue-tie
once for all
Unfortunately, we often see incomplete clips with scissors that yield incomplete results. We can help.
Complete the simple form at the bottom of this page or call us directly at 9960530111 to schedule.
We’ll listen to your concerns and help you get to the root cause of the issues your child is experiencing.
Whether it’s eating, sleeping, or speaking that improves, a tongue- or lip-tie release can make a profound difference in your child’s life.
Our Team Approach
Dr. Musani feels that post-op care is important to the success of the release. Essentially, the baby must learn how to use his or her tongue in a new way. Some babies need no help at all and immediately breastfeed post-procedure, while other babies may need help from additional professionals.- An International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) provides full feeding observation, latch/ position adjustment, suck assessment, pre and post feeding weight checks and strategies for correcting problems and managing breastfeeding.
- A speech or developmental feeding therapist can help babies learn to use their tongues for more effective eating and speech.
- A craniosacral therapist, osteopath, chiropractor, occupational or physical therapist can help babies to release tight muscles that have compensated for a tight frenulum or improper suck. Bodywork encourages an infant to express postural reflexes and explore natural movement inclinations through the nervous system.
Find us here
205, Ashoka Mall Bund Garden Road Pune, 411001
Mon-Sat 10:00 - 18:00
Mon-Sat 10:00 - 18:00
9960530111, 020-41220133
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Mon-Sat 10:00 - 18:00
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